Author: Tanzilla Mostafiz
‘ফেসবুকে আপত্তিকর ছবি পোস্ট ও মানহানি বিষয়ে সবচেয়ে বেশি মামলা’
May 3, 2023
০৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২২ ০০:০০
ফেসবুকে আপত্তিকর ছবি পোস্ট ও মানহানি বিষয়ে সবচেয়ে বেশি মামলা করা হচ্ছে; কিন্তু মামলার অগ্রগতি কম। গতকাল সোমবার ঢাকার বারিধারায় অ্যাস্কট দ্য রেসিডেন্স ভবনে ‘অ্যাডভোকেসি ডায়ালগ : অ্যাওয়ারনেস অ্যান্ড প্রটেকশন অব ডিজিটাল সিটিজেনশিপ অ্যান্ড রাইটস’ শীর্ষক কর্মশালায় এই তথ্য উঠে আসে।
ইউরোপীয় ইউনিয়নের (ইইউ) অর্থায়নে, ডিনেট এবং ফ্রেডরিক নওম্যান ফাউন্ডেশন ফর ফ্রিডমের যৌথ আয়োজনে ‘ফস্টার রেসপনসিবল ডিজিটাল সিটিজেনশিপ টু প্রমোট ফ্রিডম অব এক্সপ্রেশন ইন বাংলাদেশ’ প্রকল্পের অধীনে কর্মশালাটি অনুষ্ঠিত হয়।
কর্মশালায় শিক্ষার্থীদের ইন্টারনেট সচেতনতা, ইন্টারনেটে সুরক্ষা, দায়িত্বশীলতার সঙ্গে স্বাধীন মত প্রকাশ, ডিজিটাল নিরাপত্তা আইন, ডিজিটাল অপরাধ, অনলাইনে ব্যক্তি পরিচয়, মিথ্যাচার ও ভুল খবর প্রচার এবং এসংক্রান্ত অনেক বিষয়ে আলোচনা হয়।
আর্টিকল ১৯-এর আঞ্চলিক পরিচালক ফারুক ফয়সল বলেন, বাংলাদেশে ডিজিটাল নিরাপত্তা আইনের নির্দিষ্ট সংজ্ঞা থাকা জরুরি ছিল। কোন বিষয়গুলো ভাবমূর্তির মধ্যে পড়বে বা ক্ষুণ্ন হবে না, তাও উল্লেখ করলে জনসাধারণের জন্য বুঝতে সহজ হতো। একই সঙ্গে সাইবার নিরাপত্তা ও সাইবার অপরাধ শব্দগুলোর পরিষ্কার ব্যাখ্যা থাকা দরকার।
নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদক
কালের কণ্ঠ
০৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২২ ০০:০০
Workshop on awareness and protection of digital citizenship and rights held
May 3, 2023
6th December, 2022 06:55:00 PM Print news
A daylong workshop titled ‘Advocacy Dialogue: awareness and protection of digital citizenship and rights’ was held at a hotel in the capital on Monday.
DNET and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom jointly organised the workshop under the project ‘Foster Responsible Digital Citizenship to Promote Freedom of Expression in Bangladesh’, funded by the European Union (EU).
At the beginning of the workshop, Md Saimum Reza Talukder, Senior Lecturer of School of Law at BRAC University, presented the advocacy brief prepared under this project.
Later, he conducted a lively brainstorming session with all the participants, on various suggestions mentioned in this brief. Various suggestions for making Bangladesh’s online world more supportive of young citizens emerged from the discussion.
The workshop was attended by eminent lawyers and media representatives who gave various suggestions to bring about positive change in society.
Faruq Faisel, Regional Director of Article 19, said that “It was important to have a specific definition of Digital Security Act in Bangladesh. The definition of the image and the elements of the image should be clarified for the better understanding of the people.”
“At the same time, the terms cyber security and cybercrime need to be clearly defined. If it is not implemented properly, it will bring ignominy for Bangladesh” he added.
At the programme, lawyers said posting offensive pictures on Facebook and defamation cases are the most common. But the progress of the case is slow.
Md Saimum Reza Talukder, Senior Lecturer of School of Law at BRAC University, said “this project is working with the aim of helping the young generation of Bangladesh to become responsible digital citizens and constructively develop the spirit of expressing opinions spontaneously among them.”
M Shahadat Hossain, the executive director of DNET, said “All levels of society should work to provide opportunities for young people to exercise their rights in the digital world and to acquire the skills to use the online world responsibly in the work of nation building. Only then can we ensure a sustainable future for our country in this digital era.”
The workshop covers internet awareness, safety on the internet, expressing opinions with responsibility, digital law, digital crime, online identity, spreading false and fake news and many more.
All the participants in the workshop gave various effective and practical suggestions to ensure free and safe movement in the digital world with the help of this project initiative.
Ahmed Ullah
Staff Correspondent
Daily Sun
Dnet teaches girls English on digital devices
May 3, 2023
Non-government agency Dnet (Development Research Network) and the British Council are working together to improve digital device skills and teach professional English to teenagers.
This privately run institution is continuing this work by forming 50 lubs in 3 districts – Manikganj, Chattogram and Lalmonirhat – with girls aged 13 to 19 years under this project named ‘English and Digital for Girl Education’ (EDGE) in some selected schools.
Started from October 2021, the project will work till December 2023.
Besides, 100 club leader groups have been formed to teach women students. The clubs have a total of 1100 members.
“Here we can learn new English words with fun, and read with fun. On the one hand, as I am able to practice English, our knowledge base is also increasing,” Tanima Mehnaz Tanisha, a member of Khalilur Rahman Club 2 of Patia Upazila of Chittagong, was talking about the learning experience. She is a 9th-class student of Khalilur Rahman High School
Umme Sufia Shirin, a seventh-grade student of the same institution, says, “It is important to learn English to learn how to use modern devices like desktops, laptops, and mobile phones.”
Besides, she continued, English education is necessary to go to other countries of the world and exchange ideas with the people of those countries.
According to Dnet sources, one laptop and modem have been provided to each club. In these clubs, elected team leaders play the role of teachers. The team leaders were trained here by British Council EDGE Project Trainers. Team leaders teach their classmates.
In this project, social awareness, problems and their solutions are taught to teenagers in which citizenship, communication, cooperation, creativity, critical thinking etc.
Sahelee Jamila Naz, EDGE Program Manager- British Council, said, “Today’s teenagers will hold responsible positions in our society tomorrow. We believe that students will have the opportunity to apply leadership skills in their personal and professional lives under the EDGE programme of this project.”
He further said, “EDGE project is helping the youth of this generation to prepare.”
Project director ATM Kamrujjaman said that in this era of information technology, skills in using digital devices are essential, so is learning English. Today’s world is called ‘Global Village’. In order to be a part of this ‘global village’, students of Bangladesh need to know both English language and digital device skills.’
He also said that the socio-economic context of Bangladesh is still not favorable for women.
“I hope this programme will play a big role in preventing child marriage through education of underprivileged girls and making them self-reliant and self-confident by acquiring IT skills,” he added
Dnet Executive Director M Shahadat Hossain, said, “Internet browsing, MS Office, safe internet use, awareness of rumors spread through social media, digital security etc are being taught in this information technology education.
Currently, classes in 30 subjects of the foundation phase of the club’s 18-month curriculum are being held in the clubs. Each club member is given a club workbook based on the topics, along with a separate PGL handbook for team leaders on how to take the class and what the team leader’s role will be from the project. Classes are held two days a week in each club and each class lasts for 2 hours, whose attendance is also taken digitally through an excel sheet linked to each laptop. M. Shahadat Hossain also said that the peer leader takes attendance at the end of the class.
Dnet (Development Research Network) is a non-profit organization, which envisages the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for the economic development of Bangladesh. Dnet’s mission is to undertake research and various programs in the areas, where information and knowledge can contribute to poverty alleviation, economic growth and peace.
Young users of digital platforms feel uncomfortable sharing their views
January 30, 2023
FE ONLINE REPORT | Published: December 27, 2022 19:49:58 | Updated: December 27, 2022 21:07:45
Young users on digital platforms feel uncomfortable sharing their thoughts on issues like the growing price hike of commodities out of fear of being harassed or coming under the digital security act, said a new survey.
The new findings were shared at an event on Tuesday in Dhaka. The survey also said that young users, mostly university students, want to avoid social media platforms to post their thoughts regarding political and religious issues.
Students on university campuses are aware of some recent examples of their surroundings where some of them faced harassment or legal action under the Digital Security Act for sharing concerns that may have displeased other users, according to the survey.
Under the joint funding of the European Union (EU) and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, DNET organized the seminar entitled “Lesson Learnt Seminar on Fostering Responsible Digital Citizenship.”
Prof Rabiul Islam of the University of Rajshahi who was involved in the survey said that there are some internal and external factors which pressurise users and helped develop fear or discomfort.
“Internal factors include—family pressure. Families don’t want their children to face any discomfort or harassment. Self-concern or awareness among users push them not to share these selective issues as some people who earlier shared such concerns on social media faced legal harassment,” he added.
External pressure which causes discomfort in sharing thoughts includes–political pressure and torture, police or law enforcement interrogation and online bullying, he described.
“Parents, guardians, and teachers can guide youth in their care to express themselves freely and safely in the digital space,” he suggested.
Rumki Farhana, senior programme officer of ARTICLE 19- Said, evidentially the DSA is being abused as a weapon of legal harassment to the journalists and communicators than playing the role of protection which is even second by the law minister.
Any act or policy shall be developed with a multi-stakeholder approach ensuring maximum exclusivity including collective insights and input rather than analyzing later on going through negative experiences, she added.
Executive director of DNET M. Shahadat Hossain said, through the FRDC project, many young people have been able to learn about exercising their rights safely in the digital world.
Nazmul Hossain, the country representative of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF Bangladesh) and Taif Hossain, program manager of the European Union, spoke at the event among others.
Nuzmus Sakib
Staff Reporter
Financial Express
DNET, British Council trains 1,200 girls English, technology
January 29, 2023
January 26, 2023 7:17 PM
DNET and British Council have collaborated to provide English and digital education skills for 1,200 girls in Manikganj, Chittagong and Lalmonirhat through the “English and Digital for Girls Education (EDGE)” project.
The project is being financed by Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC).
Before starting the third phase of this project, training of peer group leaders was organized for three days from January 17-25 in the three districts, according to a press release.
Two Peer Group Leaders (PGLs) from each club participated in this three-day training, totaling 100 people. The training sessions were conducted by expert trainers from the British Council.
The information technology education in the training includes internet browsing, MS office, safe internet use, awareness of social media rumours, digital security, etc.
For social awareness, Meena cartoons (English version) are shown, where teenagers can see various social problems and solutions. Later they can discuss the problems among themselves.
The 21st-century skills such as citizenship, communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, etc, are taught in this training which will help them to make informed and responsible decisions in their daily life and contribute to bring positive changes in society.
Through the clubs, teenagers will discuss various issues of English practice, digital education practice, social awareness and learn about various income-generating initiatives. As a result, adolescent girls will become socially and economically self-reliant and will be able to contribute at various levels of the state. Adolescents will also become proficient in leadership development.
In this regard, Maisha Farzana, coordinator of the EDGE project and assistant manager of DNET, said: “Our aim is to create a supportive environment for their development and skill acquisition.”
The executive director of DNET M Shahadat Hossain said that there is no alternative to information technology skills and English education for the women of Bangladesh to keep pace with the world.
He also said: “If we can later spread this project to schools all over Bangladesh, it will be our achievement.”
Abdullah Al Mamun
Staff Reporter
Dhaka Tribune